Can Heart Disease Be Reversed

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed
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Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?

It you know someone who has heart disease, or have this condition yourself you know how debilitating it can be. When heart disease is present you probably struggle doing many the same things you used to do with ease. Your appearance may become less than vibrant with coloration in the face looking less healthy due to poor circulation. Your extremities may become cold to the touch. Your breathing may become labored to a point where simply going to the grocery store may wear you out to a point where a nap is in order. You may experience chest pain or muscle tightness after even the most mundane physical activities. Dizziness may become your constant companion making driving quite challenging. For those who don't know this disease up close and personal it is hard to explain to them what a life altering condition heart disease can be.

Can heart disease be reversed?
When asking can heart disease be reversed the answer is in most cases yes, but to what extent will depend on how advanced the condition currently is and how committed to change you are. That said, there are some basic steps that every person with heart disease should consider. If you have a couple of extra minutes to spare why don't we take a look at three of these.

*Stop smoking: If you are a smoker I truly understand your hesitation to quit. After my grandfathers third heart attack he was still hiding his cigarettes under the spare tire in the trunk of his car so my grandmother wouldn't find them. His doctors were repeatedly begging him to quit and he never did, culminating in a final fatal heart attack.

Smoking is an addition and perhaps the number one risk factor for coronary artery disease. Smokers are 4 times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke and a very recent study involving over 10,000 men, lasting on a number of years found that even smokers who eat a heart healthy diet are at a higher risk of heart and artery disease than non smokers. So it is pretty clear that when asking can heart disease be reversed the answer is only if you are willing to quit smoking.

*Inactivity: Surprisingly next to smoking the most dangerous risk factor for heart disease is inactivity. According to the Center for Disease Control a whopping 39.5 percent of adults with heart disease are inactive. So becoming more active can definitely prove helpful in your goal of reversing heart disease.

*Diet modification: Heart disease symptoms are generally caused by a reduction of blood flow to the heart due to cholesterol laden plaque deposits which have formed on the interior walls of the coronary arteries. In order to reverse the accumulation, and possibly start to restore normal blood flow we will need to reduce the amount of fat consumed in our diets; specifically saturated fat. According to cardiovascular health professions saturated fat intake in relation to calories will need to be reduced to 7 percent or less to reverse heart disease. High saturated fat foods to avoid are marbled meats, organ meats, poultry skin, goose, duck, sausage, gravies, fried foods, butter, cheese, coconut oil, luncheon meats, and whole fat milk.

Additionally, some individuals may need a little bit of extra help when trying to rein in high cholesterol. One of the better options here is to implement a natural cholesterol reduction supplement as part of your overall heart health program. These types of all natural products are generally considered to be very safe and are quite effective at lowering artery clogging bad cholesterol (LDL).

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?
As to whether heart disease can be reversed has been a much debated topic in recent years. Most surgeons take the position that only through a surgical procedure can heart disease be reversed while the natural health community takes the position that only through lifestyle changes can real long lasting results be seen. This leaves most general medical practitioners somewhere in the middle. So you can see that opinions vary widely when asking can heart disease be reversed.

As you know the heart is a large muscle that expands and contracts, sending blood coursing through your veins and arteries to sustain life. Your heart also must adjust the rate and force at which it pumps blood to adapt to whatever set of circumstances it is faced with. For instance, when you exercise more blood is required thus the number of beats per minute increases. Conversely when one sleeps their heart rate slows dramatically.

But as we age our hearts pumping capacity starts to decline. For when a person is young their heart can comfortably pound out 180 beats per minute but by the time they reach the age of 80 this number has dropped to a meager 145. For this reason, as a person ages their capability for vigorous exercise will continue to decline, being cut in half by age 80.

The arteries are the key to longevity
The combination between a weakening heart muscle and clogged, and stiffer arteries is deadly one, usually leading to a heart attack or stroke. If the arteries have been narrowed by cholesterol deposits an already weakened heart must find a way to continue to force blood though the arteries. Its solution is to pump harder and change the timing of its valves. So the answer to our question as can heart disease be reversed lies with keeping the arteries free from cholesterol laden plaque deposits.

Keeping your arteries open and free from dangerous plaque is an important part of staying young at heart. Let's look at four basic steps to help us accomplish this.

*Diet: Keeping dangerous blood cholesterol under control by consuming foods low in saturated fat and high in fiber is a good place to start. This translates to eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and substituting lean turkey breast or fish for high fat meats. Additionally, many people have found natural cholesterol reduction supplements to be a helpful dietary tool in the battle against high cholesterol.

*Don't allow yourself to become inactive: We have discussed how the aging process reduces our capacity for exercise but that doesn't mean you have to stop being active. You simply have to be smarter about your activities. If you are thinking about, or already have become a couch potato, keep in mind that according to the CDC approximately 40 percent of people with heart disease are inactive.

*Keep an eye on your blood pressure: If your blood pressure starts to rise it means your weakened heart is having to work harder almost all of the time. The two best suggestions here are stay away from salt and talk with your doctor about ways to rein in high blood pressure.

*Quit smoking: Smoking causes the arteries to narrow putting even more pressure on the heart. Studies show smokers are up to 4 times more likely to have a heart attack than non smokers.

Can Heart Disease Be Reversed?
It you know someone who has heart disease, or have this condition yourself you know how debilitating it can be. When heart disease is present you probably struggle doing many the same things you used to do with ease. Your appearance may become less than vibrant with coloration in the face looking less healthy due to poor circulation. Your extremities may become cold to the touch. Your breathing may become labored to a point where simply going to the grocery store may wear you out to a point where a nap is in order. You may experience chest pain or muscle tightness after even the most mundane physical activities. Dizziness may become your constant companion making driving quite challenging. For those who don't know this disease up close and personal it is hard to explain to them what a life altering condition heart disease can be.

Can heart disease be reversed?
When asking can heart disease be reversed the answer is in most cases yes, but to what extent will depend on how advanced the condition currently is and how committed to change you are. That said, there are some basic steps that every person with heart disease should consider. If you have a couple of extra minutes to spare why don't we take a look at three of these.

*Stop smoking: If you are a smoker I truly understand your hesitation to quit. After my grandfathers third heart attack he was still hiding his cigarettes under the spare tire in the trunk of his car so my grandmother wouldn't find them. His doctors were repeatedly begging him to quit and he never did, culminating in a final fatal heart attack.

Smoking is an addition and perhaps the number one risk factor for heart and artery disease. Smokers are 4 times more likely to have a heart attack or stroke and a very recent study involving over 10,000 men, lasting on a number of years found that even smokers who eat a heart healthy diet are at a higher risk of heart attack or stroke than non smokers. So it is pretty clear that when asking can heart disease be reversed the answer is only if you are willing to quit smoking.

*Inactivity: Surprisingly next to smoking the most dangerous risk factor for heart disease is inactivity. According to the Center for Disease Control a whopping 39.5 percent of adults with heart disease are inactive. So becoming more active can definitely prove helpful in your goal of reversing heart disease.
*Diet modification: Heart disease symptoms are generally caused by a reduction of blood flow to the heart due to cholesterol laden plaque deposits which have formed on the interior walls of the coronary arteries.

In order to reverse the accumulation, and possibly start to restore normal blood flow we will need to reduce the amount of fat consumed in our diets; specifically saturated fat. According to cardiovascular health professions saturated fat intake in relation to calories will need to be reduced to 7 percent or less to reverse heart disease. High saturated fat foods to avoid are marbled meats, organ meats, poultry skin, goose, duck, sausage, gravies, fried foods, butter, cheese, coconut oil, luncheon meats, and whole fat milk. - Thank you for visiting my blog Health Benefits Articles, entitled "Can Heart Disease Be Reversed" - See our hot tips Health Benefits so that you can begin to look and feel your best. Do you want tips on "Acne Alternative Treatments"? Keep reading to find out all this and more!

Author :
Rob D. Hawkins, R.D. Hawkins

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